April Rubin, MD

Mohelet (Mohel)
Fellow, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Graduate, Jewish Theological Seminary Brit Kodesh
Other Instructions
Feed the baby just prior to my arrival. In this way he will be less fussy during or just after the brit. Please give him 2.5cc of infant Tylenol or Tempra (concentration should be 160 mg/5cc) one hour before the scheduled time of the brit milah. This, along with the cream I will put on the penis when I arrive will ease the discomfort of the circumcision.
Turn off phones before the ceremony. Place a sign on the door that reads "Please come in" so that guests will not knock on the door during the ceremony.
A minyan (ten Jewish adults) is not necessary, but is preferred. Have your guests come fifteen minutes before the start of the ceremony so that it may begin on time.
Photographs and video are fine (except on Shabbat), although I ask that you refrain from photographing the actual circumcision.
Your son's penis should be examined by his physician before the day of the brit. This will reduce the chances of a last minute postponement for any sort of health reason. Prior to the ceremony, I will want to examine the baby. In a separate room, there should be either a table or changing board on which I can examine him. In addition, there should also be a trash can or garbage bag. Should your son develop any medical problems prior to the brit milah please let me know.
Please feel free to call me at any time at 202-841-3329 to discuss anything in this handout or otherwise pertaining to the brit milah of your son.